Citizenship After Residence Permit For Foreigners
With the Amendment which was promulgated on 12.01.2017 about Bylaw of Enforcement the Turkish Citizenship Law, it is recognized to acquire citizenship to foreigners who have short-term residence permit in accordance with the law no 6458 Foreigners Protection Law or who have permanent work permit in accordance with the law no 6735 International Labor Law.
Foreigners who have short-term residence permit in accordance with the law no 6458 Foreigners Protection Law are those who:
- … will come for a scientific research,
- … have real estate in Turkey,
- … will set up a business or establish commercial ties,
- … will join in-service training activities,
- … will come for education and the like with in the frame of a student ex-change programme or an accord that signed by Republic of Turkey,
- … will stay on the purpose of tourism,
- … will get a treatment on condition that doesn’t carry the disease which is a danger for public health,
- … have to stay because of a verdict,
- … pass on to short-term permit from family residence permit,
- … will join in to the courses to learn Turkish,
- … will join in to educations, researches, courses, training courses by way of public authority
Foreigners who have permanent work permit in accordance with the law no 6735 International Labor Law are those who are:
Deemed appropriate about education level, professional experience, contribution to science and technology, effect of their activity in Turkey to economics and employment and also who are belonging to professions such as medical doctor, lawyer, engineer, architect, teacher.
The foreigners deserve Turkish citizenship those who:
- … have capital investment at least $1.000.000 that confirmed by Ministry of Economy,
- … have real estate with the deed restriction as “can’t be sold at least in 3 years” that confirmed by Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation,
- … generate employment of at least 50 people that confirmed by Ministry of Labor and Social Security,
- … deposit at least $500.000 to the banks which are in business in Turkey on the condition that it is kept at least 3 years that confirmed by Banking Regulatory and Supervisory Agency,
- … buy at least $ 1.000.000 state debt instruments on the condition that it is kept at least 3 years that confirmed by Undersecreteriat of Treasury
The Documents requested to deserve Turkish citizenship:
- Form included the request for the citizenship,
- Passport or equal document to prove to have which nationality or if the person is stateless, the document if available,
- Document to prove the marital status and marriage certificate if married, separation deed if divorced, death certificate if widow(er)ed,
- Identity card or birth certificate included the birth information and if married, identity register copy to prove the family bond between husband/wife and child(ren),
- If there are first or second degree relatives, their identity register copy which is procured from official authorities.
- If there is no month and day about the date of birth, the document which is taken from the authorities of respective country; if is not reachable the certificate indicated the consent for applying a procedure in accordance with the law no 5490 Law on the Civil Registration Services.
- Receipt proved that service fee was paid to the fiscal pay office.
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