Trademark and Patent Law, Intellectual Property Law and Commercial Law is a comphrensive branch of law.
Brands represents prestige for companies. Therefore it needs exclusive protection. The creation and protection of trademarks in the Turkish legal system is provided by the Turkish Patent Institute. Internationally, trademark and patent transactions are carried out by the WIPO, OHIM and the national patent offices of other countries.
As Çitil Attorney Partnership, we provide advocacy and concultancy services to our clients in this field with our expert academician and lawyer staff.
- Trademark/pattent attorney
- Trademark and patent registration procedures
- Objection procedures against third party trademark applications and responding to objections made
- Expiration of trademark protection
- License to track competition violations
- Negotiation of intellectual property agreements (Proceedings, licenses, transfers, frachising, distributorship agreements)
- Preparation of intellectual property agreements
- Interpretation of intellectual property agreements
- Execution of intellectual property agreements
- Trademark/pattent attorney
- Transfer of trademarks and patents
- Pirated and imitation use research
- Action for prevention of infringement
- Unfair competiiton