Information systems which are advancing rapidly with the developing technology, have brought a need for legal regulation. This field also includes criminal regulationsin respect of cyber crimes. Internet law and and freedom of expression form the basis of IT law.
In a joint report published by the United Nations Commisison and the European Union, it evaluated information offenses on six main topics:
- Acecssing and listening to the access provided by computer systems without autorization
- Sabotaging computers
- Defraud others through computers
- Using the computers to commit fraud
- Deciphering and using legally protected software without permission
- Other criminal elements (Publicationsthat are not approved by law, pronographic publications, insulting bad shares)
IT crimes are also regulated in Turkish Crime Law.
Çitil Attorney Partnership provides advocacy and consultancy services to its clients about IT law. The services we provide in the field of Information Law:
- Following up the current developments in the field of IT Law.
- Resolution of copyright disputes related to computer programs and publications over the internet.
- Registration licensing and protection of intellectual property rights
- Preparation of e-contacts
- Consultancy service
- Follow up and prevent violations of rights through internet
- Monitoring and preventing violations of rights via the Internet
- Giving legal supports in the trial of cyber crimes