Çitil Attorney Partnership provides advocacy, consultancy and financial consultancy services to its clients and tax-payers.
The services provided in this scope are are as follows:
- Proper preparation of company trial balances
- Establishment of company pre-accounting systems
- Budget planning and tax planning for financial forecasting
- Solving the problems arising from taxation process
- Tax settlement
- Correction requests
- Tax dispute penalties and cancellation cases
- Tax loss and smuggling crimes
- Review reports and commission decisions
- Making pre-trial administrative applications within the scope of the related tax legislation and monitoring the settlement procedures
- Disputes concerning income tax,value added tax, corporate tax, motor vehicle tax, real estate tax and all other tax types
- Declaratation-based taxation, ex officio, additional assessment, taxation made by the administration
- Wrong or missing income statement, incorrect discounts
- Preparation of inhetirance and inhetirance tax return and deduction of debts and expenses frominhetirance and inhetirance tax
- Correction of account errors and taxation errors
- Action for annulment of tax assessment
- Action for annulment of tax penalty
- Appeal to the decisions of the Amandment Commission
- Objection to tax collection through deduction
- Objection to payment order sent for tax
- Objection to the provisional attachment with regard to tax
- Payment without prejudice
- Objection to order of attachment
- Objection against rejection of registration requests