Çitil Attorney Partnership provides advocacy and consultancy services to its clients during the investigation and prosecution stages with its expert academics and lawyers. Up to the present the complainant and the suspect attorney have been undertaken in numerous investigation and prosecution file.
Çitil Attorney Partnership follow the Ergenekon Case, Balyoz Case, Islak İmza Case, Şike Case, recently Fetö/PDY and many other cases. Partnership has work for the manifestation of justice by fulfilling the requirements arising from the sanctity of the right to defense, which is the defense of many suspects or accused who believe in innocence.
We undertake a limited number of tasks as indicated below during the investigation and prosecution phase:
- Making contact with the arrested suspect
- Making suspect with the under surveillance suspect
- Keep under surveillance suspect company during the giving statement
- Keep under surveillance company during prosecution process
- Receiving a duty as a attorney in the hearing of the suspect referred to the Magistrates’s Court
- A petition for the collection of concrete evidence in favor of the suspect after thorough examination of the investigation file
- Bill of exception against the arrest warrant given by the Magistrates’ Court and right after follow the objection process.
- Take objection to indictment that files by prosecution office
Each of these stages have great importance as it forms the basis of the public case before the public case is opened. The investigation phase have great importance for a criminal case like basis of the construction. It should not be forgotten that If justice is the foundation of the state, this foundation should be unshakable.
If the public case open, attending the hearing, defending the client, continuing to serve as an advocate during the exhaust internal and international authorities process are our main services.